Multiple Confirmations in Trading – Improve your  trading accuracy

If you’re trading and facing losses, one problem you may have encountered is the difficulty of making decisions based on limited data. Sometimes, relying on just one or two signals before making a trade can lead to frequent losses and frustration. The solution? Implementing multiple confirmations in your trading strategy.

Multiple confirmations involve using various signals or indicators to reinforce your trading decisions, similar to how gathering more evidence in a scientific experiment leads to more reliable results. This approach enhances the reliability of your decisions, leading to better risk management and more successful trades.

In this blog, we will explore what confirmations are, why they are essential, and the key types of confirmations that every trader should consider. By understanding and utilizing these strategies, you can refine your approach to suit different market conditions, improve your overall trading performance, and potentially increase your profitability.

What are Confirmations in Trading?

When you’re trading, think of confirmations as your double-check before making a move. They’re like getting a second opinion on whether a stock is really going to move in the direction you think it will.

Here’s how it works: Imagine you see a stock price that’s starting to climb. You might get excited and think it’s time to buy. But instead of jumping right in, you check a couple more things. You look at the RSI, a tool that can tell you if the stock is really as strong as it looks or if it’s just a temporary spike. Maybe you also look at the MACD, another indicator that shows if the trend you’re seeing is likely to keep going.

Using confirmations is like making sure all lights are green before you step on the gas. It’s about looking for multiple signs that all point to ‘go’. For example, if a stock moves above its average price, and at the same time more people are buying it, these good signs together make a stronger case for action.

This approach helps you avoid simple mistakes. It’s easy to get tricked by a sudden jump in a stock’s price, thinking it’s going to keep going up when it won’t. By using confirmations, you’re not just relying on one piece of information. You’re putting together pieces of a puzzle to get a better picture of what’s really happening. This way, you make smarter decisions and can feel more confident about your trades.

Why We Need Multiple Confirmations in Trading

When you trade stocks or other financial assets, using multiple confirmations is like getting several nods before making a decision. It’s about being cautious and making sure your decision is well-supported by evidence.

Think of it this way: if you’re about to cross the street, you don’t just look one way. You look both ways, maybe even listen, to make sure no cars are coming. In trading, confirmations work similarly. Say a stock price starts to climb. That’s your first signal, like seeing one side of the street is clear. But instead of rushing in, you wait for more signals. Maybe you check if the volume of traded shares is high, which can mean a lot of other traders are buying and might support the price increase. Then, you might look at a trend indicator, like a moving average, to see if it agrees that the stock is on an upward trend.

For example, imagine a stock that has been climbing for a few days. You notice the price has gone above its average price for the last 20 days. That’s your first confirmation. Then, you see that trading volumes are higher than usual — that’s your second confirmation. These multiple signs can make you more confident that the stock might keep going up, so you decide it’s a good time to buy.

Using several confirmations helps you avoid jumping into decisions based on a single piece of information, which can be risky. Markets are unpredictable, and prices can change quickly. By waiting for multiple confirmations, you make sure your actions are backed up by various indicators, reducing the chances of making a mistake based on one misleading signal.

The risks of trading without confirmations.

Trading without confirmations is risky because it’s like making decisions with incomplete information. Imagine you see a stock’s price starting to rise. If you decide to buy the stock based only on this single observation, you might end up buying at the wrong time. For example, if a stock’s price jumps suddenly because of a temporary hype and you buy without waiting for more signs, you could find yourself at a loss when the price falls as quickly as it rose. This is because without confirmations, you’re reacting to the immediate price action without knowing if there’s real support for this movement in the market.

Additionally, not using confirmations can lead to consistent losses. These losses happen because you’re basing decisions on what might seem like opportunities, but are actually normal price fluctuations that don’t lead to long-term trends. For instance, without checking if higher trading volumes support the price increase, you might miss that the trading activity isn’t actually strong enough to sustain the price rise. This kind of mistake can quickly lead to losing money, as the initial gains turn into losses when the market corrects itself. These repeated losses can be discouraging and could make trading more about chance than strategy.

Top 7 Confirmations to Look for in Trading

Now, let’s explore the best approaches for effectively using multiple confirmations in your trading strategy.

Confirmation 1: Price Action

Price action is essentially how the price of a security moves over time. It gives you a direct glimpse into market sentiment and behavior. Understanding price action is crucial because it allows you to see and interpret what the market is doing without the need for indicators.

Example: If you notice a pattern of consistently higher lows and higher highs, this indicates an uptrend. You might decide to enter a trade during a minor pullback, expecting the upward trend to continue.

Confirmation 2: Volume

Volume shows how many shares or contracts of a stock or market are traded during a specific time. It’s important because a high volume during a price increase confirms strong buyer interest, suggesting that the movement is likely to be sustained.

Example: If a stock breaks above a resistance level with significantly increased volume, this is a reliable signal that the breakout is supported by the market, making it a potentially good time for you to consider buying.

Confirmation 3: Moving Averages

Moving averages help smooth out price data over a specified period and can clarify the trend direction. This is helpful to you because it reduces noise from random price fluctuations, providing a clearer picture of where the market is headed.

Example: If the 20-day moving average crosses above the 50-day moving average, and this change aligns with other bullish signals, you might view this as a strong indication to consider entering a long position.

Confirmation 4: RSI (Relative Strength Index)

The RSI helps you identify whether a stock is potentially overbought or oversold, helping you anticipate possible reversals. It is measured on a scale from 0 to 100.

Example: An RSI reading below 30 typically suggests a stock is oversold. Watching the RSI cross back above 30 can be your cue that the stock is beginning to strengthen, possibly indicating a good time for you to consider buying.

Confirmation 5: MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence)

MACD is useful for identifying changes in the strength, direction, momentum, and duration of a price trend. It helps you detect these changes earlier than you might with a simple moving average.

Example: Look for when the MACD line crosses above the signal line; this could be a good buying signal, especially if the crossover occurs near the zero line, which often indicates a stronger bullish signal.

Confirmation 6: Candlestick Patterns

Candlestick patterns can show you the battle between buyers and sellers over a certain period, signaling potential changes in market sentiment. Recognizing these patterns can help you spot possible price reversals or continuations of trends.

Example: A ‘bullish engulfing‘ pattern, where a large white candle fully engulfs the previous day’s smaller black candle, suggests a possible bullish turnaround. This might be your signal to buy, especially if it’s confirmed by other indicators like high volume.

Confirmation 7: Fibonacci Retracements

Fibonacci retracements help identify potential support or resistance levels based on previous movements. These levels can indicate where a price may resume its original trend after a pullback.

Example: If the price pulls back to a 61.8% Fibonacci level and then starts showing signs of resuming its uptrend, this could be a strong indication for you to consider entering a long position.


In conclusion, using multiple confirmations in trading significantly enhances your decision-making process. By carefully analyzing various indicators and patterns, you can increase the reliability of your trades and reduce the likelihood of costly mistakes. 

Each of the seven confirmations discussed provides valuable insights, but when used together, they form a powerful toolkit that can help you navigate the complexities of the financial markets with greater confidence. Remember, the key to successful trading lies not only in the tools you use but also in your patience and diligence in applying them. 

Keep learning, keep practicing, and create trading plan continuously refine your strategy to adapt to changing market conditions.

Final thoughts on using confirmations wisely to make informed trading decisions.

H2: FAQs on Trading Confirmations

What is the most reliable confirmation in trading?

There isn’t a single confirmation considered the most reliable as it depends on the market conditions and the trader’s strategy. However, many traders find that using volume along with price movements tends to provide robust signals.

How many confirmations are sufficient for a trade?

Typically, using two to three different confirmations from various indicators provides a solid basis for a trade decision. This reduces the risk of false signals and increases confidence in the trade’s potential success.

Can I trade with just one confirmation?

While it’s possible to trade with just one confirmation, it increases the risk of falling for false signals. Using multiple confirmations helps verify and support your trading decisions more effectively.

How do different confirmations complement each other?

Different confirmations, such as volume and price action or RSI and MACD, complement each other by confirming a trend from different aspects of market behavior—volume confirms the strength of price movements, while momentum indicators like RSI or MACD provide insights into potential reversals or continuation of trends.

Where can I learn more about trading confirmations?

You can learn more about trading confirmations through trading courses, books on technical analysis, and by following experienced traders and analysts in webinars.

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