How Do You Explain the Lot Size in Forex Trading? A Detailed Guide

Imagine you’re at a bustling marketplace, trying to buy fresh produce. You’ve got a certain amount of money in your wallet, and you need to decide how much of each item to buy. If you misjudge the quantities, you could end up with too little or too much, impacting your budget and meal plans. Forex trading is a bit like this marketplace, but instead of fruits and vegetables, you’re dealing with currency pairs. And just like in the market, understanding how much of each currency to trade—known as lot size—is crucial. 

In forex trading, lot size is a fundamental concept that determines how much currency you are buying or selling in a trade. Many new traders make the mistake of not fully grasping forex trading lot size, which can lead to unexpected losses or missed opportunities. This article will walk you through what forex trading lot size is, how it affects your trades, and how to choose the right lot size for your trading strategy. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your trading approach, understanding lot size will help you manage your trades more effectively and make informed decisions in the forex market.

Also Read: Why You Should Think Twice Before Starting Forex Trading with a Small Amount? 

Table of Contents

What Is Lot Size in Forex Trading? 

In forex trading, lot size refers to the number of units of a currency pair you are trading. Think of it as the size of the trade you’re making. It’s a crucial part of trading because it affects how much you stand to gain or lose. For example, if you’re trading 1 standard lot of EUR/USD, you’re buying or selling 100,000 euros. If you trade 1 mini lot, it’s 10,000 euros. The larger the forex trading lot size, the bigger your potential profit or loss. 

What Are the Types of Lot Sizes? 

What Are the Types of Lot Sizes? 
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In forex trading, understanding the different types of lot sizes is crucial for managing your trades effectively. Here’s a detailed look at each type of forex trading lot size: 

Standard Lot 

The standard lot is the largest forex trading lot size in forex trading, equivalent to 100,000 units of the base currency. Think of a standard lot as a full-sized truckload. It’s substantial, offering a significant exposure to the market. For example, if you trade 1 standard lot of EUR/USD, you’re dealing with 100,000 euros. This forex trading lot size is typically used by experienced traders or those with larger trading accounts. It’s suited for big trades where you’re confident in your strategy and are prepared for the potential risk. 

For Example: If the EUR/USD pair moves 50 pips, and you’re trading 1 standard lot, your profit or loss could be around $500. This large potential gain (or loss) underscores why managing risk is critical. 

Mini Lot 

A mini lot is smaller than the standard lot, at 10,000 units of the base currency. Imagine a mini lot as a mid-sized vehicle, like a van. It’s less bulky than a truck but still provides a decent amount of exposure. Trading 1 mini lot of EUR/USD means you’re handling 10,000 euros. Mini lots are ideal for traders who want to take moderate positions without risking as much as they would with a standard lot. They offer a good balance between risk and reward. 

Example: If the EUR/USD pair moves 30 pips, trading 1 mini lot could mean a profit or loss of about $30. It’s a manageable amount that suits many traders, particularly those with mid-sized accounts. 

Micro Lot 

A micro lot is even smaller, representing 1,000 units of the base currency. Think of a micro lot as a compact car. It’s easy to handle and perfect for smaller tasks. Trading 1 micro lot of EUR/USD means you’re dealing with 1,000 euros. Micro lots are great for beginners or traders with smaller accounts. They allow you to practice trading with lower risk, making them ideal for learning and refining your strategies. 

Example: If the EUR/USD pair moves 20 pips, trading 1 micro lot could result in a profit or loss of about $2. This smaller scale helps you manage risk more effectively while gaining valuable trading experience. 

Nano Lot 

The nano lot is the smallest forex trading lot size, equating to just 100 units of the base currency. Picture a nano lot as a tiny scooter—small and agile. It’s the smallest size available, designed for tiny trades or experimenting with minimal risk. Trading 1 nano lot of EUR/USD involves just 100 euros. Nano lots are useful for ultra-small trades or for testing new strategies with very low risk. They’re often used by traders who want to fine-tune their techniques without significant financial exposure. 

Example: If the EUR/USD pair moves 10 pips, trading 1 nano lot could result in a profit or loss of about $1. This minimal exposure is perfect for practicing without worrying about major losses.

Let’s simplify it with table.  

Lot Size Units of Base Currency Description 
Standard Lot 100,000 units The largest lot size, often used for significant trades. 
Mini Lot 10,000 units Smaller than a standard lot, suitable for smaller trades. 
Micro Lot 1,000 units Even smaller, ideal for beginners or those managing small accounts. 
Nano Lot 100 units The smallest lot size, great for very small trades or testing strategies. 

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Understanding Lots in Forex with Pizza Slices 

Imagine you’re at a pizza party. The pizza is cut into different sizes of slices—large, medium, small, and tiny. Each slice represents a different forex trading lot size. Here’s how it works: 

  • Standard Lot is like a whole pizza. It’s the biggest slice, equivalent to 100,000 units of the base currency. Just like a large pizza is great for sharing or a big meal, a standard lot is used for significant trades. 
  • Mini Lot is like a medium pizza slice. It’s smaller, at 10,000 units, making it perfect for a moderate-sized meal. Similarly, mini lots are used for trades that are not too large but still substantial. 
  • Micro Lot is like a small slice of pizza. At 1,000 units, it’s more manageable and ideal for a smaller appetite. Micro lots are great for beginners or those managing smaller accounts. 
  • Nano Lot is like a tiny pizza bite. With only 100 units, it’s the smallest size, perfect for testing or just a small snack. Nano lots are used for very small trades or to experiment with trading strategies. 

What Are the Advantages of Standard Lots? 

Trading standard lots, which represent 100,000 units of the base currency, offers several key benefits, especially for more experienced traders. Here’s why standard lots might be a good choice: 

Higher Profit Potential 

Standard lots have a larger profit and loss potential compared to smaller lot sizes. This is because each pip movement has a greater financial impact. Example: If you’re trading 1 standard lot and the market moves 50 pips, your profit or loss could be around $500. This larger potential for profit can be appealing if you’re confident in your trading strategy. 

Greater Market Influence 

Trading in standard lots allows you to make more significant trades, which can have a larger impact on the market. This is useful for strategies that require substantial volume to influence price movements. For example, Large traders or institutions often use standard lots to execute major trades, which can help in achieving desired market effects or liquidity. 

Efficiency in Trade Execution 

Standard lots are often used in professional trading environments where execution speed and trade efficiency are critical. Trading in larger lot sizes can streamline your trading operations and reduce the number of trades needed. 

Lower Transaction Costs Per Unit 

When trading in standard lots, the fixed costs of trading, such as spreads and commissions, are distributed over a larger trade size. This often results in lower transaction costs per unit compared to trading many smaller lots. For instance, if your broker charges a $10 spread per trade, trading 1 standard lot means this cost is spread over 100,000 units, making it more economical per unit compared to smaller lot sizes. 

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What Are the Disadvantages of Standard Lots? 

While trading standard lots offers significant advantages, there are also some downsides to be aware of. Here’s a look at the potential disadvantages: 

Higher Risk 

Standard lots involve trading 100,000 units of the base currency, which means that both potential gains and losses can be substantial. This higher risk can lead to significant losses if the market moves against your position.For example, A movement of just 50 pips in the wrong direction could result in a $500 loss, which can be a heavy blow to your trading account, especially if you’re not well-prepared. 

Larger Capital Requirement 

To trade standard lots effectively, you need a larger trading account. This is because the potential financial exposure is high, and you need sufficient funds to manage the risk involved. 

Increased Emotional Stress 

The larger the trade size, the more emotional stress you might experience. Big swings in profit in forex trading and loss can lead to stress and impact your decision-making abilities. 

Potential for Over-Leverage 

With the large position sizes of standard lots, there’s a risk of over-leveraging your trades. This means you could be borrowing more than you can afford, increasing the chance of significant losses. For example, If you’re using high leverage with standard lots, even a small adverse market movement can result in substantial losses, potentially wiping out your trading account. 

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What Are the Advantages of Mini Lots? 

Mini lots offer several benefits, especially for newer traders or those managing smaller accounts. Here’s why mini lots might be a great choice: 

Lower Risk 

Mini lots represent 10,000 units of the base currency, which is smaller than standard lots. This means your potential profit or loss per trade is less, making it easier to manage risk. Example: If you’re trading 1 mini lot and the currency pair moves 50 pips, your gain or loss is about $50. This lower exposure helps protect your account from large losses. 

More Flexibility 

Trading mini lots allows you to adjust your trade size more precisely. This flexibility is useful when you want to take smaller positions or test strategies without committing too much capital. Example: If you’re trying out a new trading strategy that pro traders use, you can use mini lots to see how it performs before scaling up to larger trades. 

Easier to Manage 

With mini lots, it’s simpler to maintain control over your trades. They fit well with smaller trading accounts, allowing you to trade more comfortably and reduce the impact of market swings. Example: If you have a $2,000 trading account, using mini lots helps ensure that no single trade risks a large portion of your account balance. 

Ideal for Learning 

Mini lots are perfect for new traders who want to learn without risking large amounts of money. They provide a way to gain experience and build confidence in the market. Example: As a beginner, you can use mini lots to practice different trading strategies and understand market dynamics without worrying about substantial financial loss. 

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What Are the Disadvantages of Mini Lots? 

While mini lots have their advantages, they also come with some drawbacks. Here’s a quick look at the potential downsides: 

Lower Profit Potential 

Since mini lots represent only 10,000 units of the base currency, your profit or loss per trade is smaller compared to standard lots. For instance, If the market moves 50 pips, your gain or loss with 1 mini lot is about $50. This might not be enough if you’re aiming for larger profits from your trades. 

Higher Transaction Costs 

Trading mini lots can lead to higher relative transaction costs, such as spreads and commissions. Because these costs are fixed, they can take a larger percentage of your profits on smaller trades. If you trade frequently using mini lots, the cost of each trade might add up, eating into your overall profitability. 

Limited Market Impact 

Mini lots might not be suitable for strategies that require large trade sizes to move the market or to take advantage of high liquidity. Their smaller size means you may not influence market conditions as effectively. 

Slower Growth 

If you rely solely on mini lots, your account might grow more slowly compared to trading larger lots. This slower growth can be a drawback if you’re looking to scale up your profits quickly. Example: With smaller trades, it takes more time to build up your account balance to a significant level, especially if you’re only trading mini lots. 

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What Are the Advantages of Micro Lots? 

Micro lots, representing 1,000 units of the base currency, offer several distinct advantages, especially for new traders or those with smaller accounts. Here’s why micro lots can be beneficial: 

Lower Risk 

Micro lots involve trading a smaller amount of currency, which limits your potential losses. This smaller size helps you manage risk more effectively. If the market moves 50 pips against your position, your loss with 1 micro lot is about $5. This reduced risk makes micro lots a safer option, especially for those new to trading. 

Affordable for Smaller Accounts 

Because micro lots require less capital, they are ideal for traders with smaller accounts. You don’t need a large balance to start trading. With a smaller account, you can still participate in the forex market by trading micro lots, making it easier to get started without significant financial commitment. 

Good for Practice 

Micro lots are perfect for practicing trading strategies and gaining experience without risking a lot of money. They allow you to test different approaches in a low-risk environment. If you’re new to forex trading, using micro lots lets you experiment with various strategies and understand market dynamics without substantial financial risk. 

Easier to Manage 

Smaller lot sizes are easier to handle and manage. They provide more precise control over your trades, helping you fine-tune your strategies.If you want to enter or exit trades with smaller amounts, micro lots give you the flexibility to do so, making it simpler to adjust your positions as needed. 

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What Are the Disadvantages of Micro Lots? 

While micro lots have their advantages, they also come with some downsides. Here’s a look at the potential disadvantages: 

Lower Profit Potential 

Micro lots represent only 1,000 units of the base currency, which means that your profit or loss per trade is relatively small. This can limit your earnings from each trade. If you trade 1 micro lot and the market moves 50 pips in your favor, your profit is around $5. This smaller profit margin might not be enough for traders aiming for higher returns. 

Higher Transaction Costs Relative to Profit 

The fixed costs of trading, like spreads and commissions, can take up a larger portion of your profit when trading micro lots. This can make it harder to cover transaction costs. If you’re trading frequently with micro lots, the cost of each trade, such as a $5 spread, can eat into your profits more significantly compared to trading larger lots. 

Limited Market Impact 

Micro lots are smaller in size and may not be effective for strategies that rely on large volumes to influence the market. They have minimal impact on price movements. If your strategy involves making a big market impact or gaining significant liquidity, trading micro lots might not be suitable as they represent a small fraction of the overall market volume. 

Slower Account Growth 

With smaller trades, it can take longer to grow your trading account significantly. Micro lots may result in slower accumulation of profits, especially if your trading strategy is designed for larger gains. If you’re only using micro lots, building a substantial account balance can be a slow process, which might not align with more aggressive growth goals. 

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What Are the Advantages of Nano Lots? 

Nano lots, representing just 100 units of the base currency, offer several unique advantages, especially for new traders or those with very small accounts. Here’s why nano lots can be a great choice: 

Minimal Risk 

Nano lots involve trading a very small amount of currency, which significantly limits your potential losses. This makes them ideal for those who want to take very cautious steps in trading. If the market moves 50 pips against your position with 1 nano lot, your loss is only about $0.50. This minimal risk helps protect your account from large losses. 

Extremely Low Capital Requirement 

Because nano lots require so little capital, they are perfect for traders with very small accounts or those who want to test the waters without significant financial commitment. With nano lots, you can trade with a very small amount of money, making it accessible even if you have a minimal trading budget. 

Ideal for Fine-Tuning Strategies 

Nano lots allow you to fine-tune and experiment with trading strategies in a low-risk environment. They provide a way to practice without worrying about large financial impacts. If you want to test a new strategy or trading system, nano lots let you do so with minimal risk, allowing you to refine your approach without substantial financial stakes. 

Perfect for Learning and Testing 

Nano lots are excellent for new traders who want to learn about forex trading without risking much money. They offer a practical way to gain experience and build confidence. As a beginner, using nano lots lets you get familiar with market movements and trading mechanics while keeping your financial risk very low. 

What Are the Disadvantages of Nano Lots? 

While nano lots have their advantages, they also come with some drawbacks. Here’s a look at the potential disadvantages: 

Extremely Low Profit Potential 

Nano lots represent only 100 units of the base currency, which means that the profit or loss from each trade is very small. This can make it challenging to achieve significant returns. If you trade 1 nano lot and the market moves 50 pips in your favor, your profit is only about $0.50. This minimal profit might not meet the expectations of traders aiming for larger earnings. 

Higher Relative Transaction Costs 

Fixed transaction costs, such as spreads and commissions, can consume a larger portion of your profit when trading nano lots. This can make it harder to break even or make a profit. If you frequently trade nano lots, the cost of each trade can add up quickly, reducing the effectiveness of your trading strategy. 

Limited Impact on Market Movements 

Nano lots are very small, so they have minimal impact on market prices. This limits their usefulness for strategies that rely on larger trade volumes to influence the market. If your trading strategy requires significant market influence or liquidity, nano lots may not be sufficient to execute your plan effectively. 

Slower Account Growth 

With the small size of nano lot trades, it can take a long time to see noticeable growth in your trading account. This slow accumulation might not suit traders looking for quicker returns. Building your account balance with nano lots can be a slow process, especially if your goal is to achieve faster growth. 

How Forex Trading Lot Size Affects Your Forex Trading 

How Forex Trading Lot Size Affects Your Forex Trading 

Forex trading lot size plays a crucial role in forex trading, influencing several key aspects of your trading experience. Here’s how different lot sizes can impact your trades: 

Impact on Trade Volume 

The forex trading lot size you choose determines the volume of your trade. Larger lot sizes mean bigger trades, which can lead to higher potential profits or losses. If you trade 1 standard lot (100,000 units) and the market moves 50 pips, your profit or loss is significantly larger than if you were trading 1 micro lot (1,000 units). 

Influence on Leverage 

Lot size affects how much leverage you use. Larger lot sizes often require more margin, which can amplify both potential gains and losses. Proper management of leverage is essential to avoid over-leveraging and large losses. 

Example: Trading 1 standard lot might require more margin compared to trading 1 mini lot. High leverage can magnify profits, but it also increases the risk of substantial losses. 

Risk Management Considerations 

Your forex trading lot size impacts how you manage risk. Smaller lot sizes limit potential losses and are easier to handle, while larger lot sizes can expose you to bigger swings in your account balance. Using nano lots helps keep your risk low, while trading standard lots might require more sophisticated risk management strategies to protect your account from large losses. 

Position Sizing Techniques 

Choosing the right forex trading lot size involves determining how much of your account you’re willing to risk on each trade. Proper position sizing helps maintain balance between risk and reward. 

Example: If you have a $1,000 trading account, using mini lots might be appropriate to manage risk, while larger accounts might handle standard lots with higher risk tolerance. 

How to Choose the Right Forex Trading Lot Size for Your Trading Strategy 

Choosing the right forex trading lot size is crucial for effective forex trading. Here’s a simple guide to help you select the best forex trading lot size for your trading strategy: 

Consider Your Account Size 

Your forex trading lot size should align with the size of your trading account. Smaller accounts typically use smaller lot sizes to manage risk and avoid large losses. If you have a $1,000 account, trading in micro or nano lots can help you manage risk better. Larger accounts can handle standard or mini lots more comfortably. 

Assess Your Risk Tolerance 

Determine how much risk you’re willing to take on each trade. This helps you choose a forex trading lot size that matches your comfort level and mastering risk management plan.  If you’re cautious and prefer to risk a small percentage of your account per trade, micro or nano lots may be appropriate. If you’re more aggressive, you might choose mini or standard lots, but ensure you can handle the potential risk. 

Evaluate Your Trading Strategy 

The type of strategy you use can affect your forex trading lot size. For strategies requiring large trades to influence the market or capitalize on significant movements, larger lot sizes might be needed. For instance, Scalping strategies might use smaller lot sizes for quick trades, while position trading might benefit from larger lots to take advantage of longer-term trends. 

Use Proper Position Sizing 

Calculate the forex trading lot size based on your desired risk per trade and the distance of your stop-loss. This helps ensure you’re not risking too much of your account on any single trade. If you decide to risk 2% of a $1,000 account on a trade, and your stop-loss is 50 pips away, you can use a position size calculator to determine the appropriate forex trading lot size for that trade. 

Examples of Forex Trading Lot Size in Practice 

Understanding how lot sizes work in real trading situations can help you make better decisions. Here are a few practical examples to illustrate how different lot sizes can affect your trades: 

Trading a Standard Lot 

Imagine you have a $10,000 trading account and you decide to trade 1 standard lot (100,000 units) of EUR/USD. If the price moves 50 pips in your favor, and each pip is worth $10, your profit would be $500. However, if the market moves against you by 50 pips, you’d face a $500 loss. This shows how significant the impact of standard lots can be, making them suitable for traders who can handle higher risk and have larger accounts. 

Using Mini Lots 

With the same $10,000 account, you choose to trade 2 mini lots (20,000 units each) of GBP/JPY. If the market moves 30 pips in your favor, and each pip is worth $2, your total profit would be $120. This is more manageable compared to standard lots but still provides a decent profit potential. Mini lots are often used by traders who want to balance risk and reward more effectively. 

Trading Micro Lots 

Suppose you’re trading with a $2,000 account and use 5 micro lots (1,000 units each) of USD/JPY. A 40-pip move in your favor, with each pip worth $0.10, would result in a profit of $20. Micro lots are ideal for small accounts or for traders who want to limit their risk while still participating in the market. 

Applying Nano Lots 

With a very small $500 account, you trade 10 nano lots (100 units each) of AUD/NZD. If the market moves 20 pips in your favor, and each pip is worth $0.01, your profit would be just $2. Nano lots are perfect for very small accounts or for practice, allowing traders to engage in the market without risking significant amounts of money. 

What Are the Tools and Resources for Managing Forex Trading Lot Size? 

Managing lot size effectively is crucial for successful forex trading. Here are some useful tools and resources to help you with lot size management, including ETTFOS.COM’s offerings: 

Trading Calculators 

Online trading calculators help you determine the appropriate forex trading lot size based on your account size, risk tolerance, and stop-loss distance. These calculators are essential for precise forex trading lot size management and help you understand the value of each pip and the margin required. Websites like My Trade Size Calculator or Forex Lot Size Calculator provide tools for inputting your trading parameters to get accurate forex trading lot size recommendations. 

Forex Trading Platforms 

Most forex trading platforms come with built-in tools for managing forex trading lot size, including position sizing calculators and risk management features. These platforms allow you to set your lot size directly and offer additional tools for effective trade management.Platforms such as MetaTrader 4 (MT4) or MetaTrader 5 (MT5) include features for adjusting lot sizes and offer various indicators to help with your trading decisions. 

Risk Management Guides 

Educational resources and guides on risk management provide valuable insights into managing lot sizes according to your overall trading strategy. These guides cover techniques for calculating risk per trade and proper position sizing. Educational sites like Investopedia and BabyPips offer comprehensive tutorials on risk management that can help you make informed decisions about lot sizes. 

Trade Journals 

Keeping a trade journal helps track and review your trades, including lot sizes, to analyze performance and refine your strategy. This practice allows you to assess what works best and adjust your approach accordingly. Use tools like Evernote or Google Sheets to document details of each trade, including lot sizes and outcomes. 

ETTFOS.COM Resources 

ETTFOS.COM provides tailored resources for managing forex trading lot size as part of its educational offerings. Their ETTFOS Core Masterclass includes in-depth training on lot sizes, risk management, and other crucial trading concepts. This course is designed to help you understand how to choose and manage lot sizes effectively within your trading strategy.  By enrolling in the ETTFOS Core Masterclass, you gain access to expert insights, practical exercises, and tools to master forex trading lot size management and improve your trading performance. 


Understanding lot size is key to effective forex trading. Lot size, whether standard, mini, micro, or nano, determines the volume of a trade and impacts both potential profits and risks. Standard lots offer higher profit potential but come with more risk, while nano lots minimize risk but also yield smaller profits. Your choice of forex trading lot size affects trade volume, leverage, and risk management, so it’s crucial to select a size that matches your account balance, risk tolerance, and trading strategy. 

To enhance your trading performance, regularly assess your forex trading lot size decisions. Evaluate how different sizes impact your trades and adjust as needed to align with your risk management goals. For expert guidance, consider exploring ETTFOS.COM’s Core Masterclass to refine your forex trading lot size management and improve your trading strategy. 

FAQs About Forex Trading Lot Sizes In Forex Trading 

What is the difference between a standard lot and a mini lot? 

A standard lot in forex trading is 100,000 units of the base currency, whereas a mini lot is 10,000 units. This means that a standard lot represents a larger trade size compared to a mini lot. For instance, if the price moves by 10 pips, a standard lot would result in a profit or loss of $100, while a mini lot would result in a profit or loss of $10. The choice between a standard and mini lot depends on your trading strategy, account size, and risk tolerance. 

How does forex trading lot size impact my trading strategy? 

Lot size affects your trading strategy by influencing the potential profit or loss per trade and your overall risk exposure. Larger lot sizes, like standard lots, can lead to higher profits but also come with increased risk. Conversely, smaller lot sizes, such as micro or nano lots, reduce potential losses but also limit profit opportunities. Choosing the right forex trading lot size helps align your trades with your risk management plan and trading goals, ensuring you balance risk and reward effectively. 

Can I trade with nano lots? 

Yes, you can trade with nano lots. Nano lots represent 100 units of the base currency and are the smallest forex trading lot size available. They are particularly useful for traders with very small accounts or those who want to practice trading without risking substantial amounts of money. Trading with nano lots allows for precise risk management and can be a good way to build trading skills before moving on to larger lot sizes. 

What should be my lot size for a $1,000 trading account? 

For a $1,000 trading account, it’s typically wise to use smaller forex trading lot sizes to manage risk effectively. Micro lots (1,000 units) or nano lots (100 units) are often recommended for such accounts. For instance, trading micro lots allows you to risk a smaller portion of your account on each trade, reducing the impact of potential losses. The exact forex trading lot size you choose should also depend on your risk tolerance and the specific trading strategy you are following.

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